How to Use Pinterest Ads to Get More Traffic, Leads, and Sales

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As an online business owner, it is a continuous struggle to create visibility on the interwebs. You need to STAND OUT. And while I am a one-woman show (and a fabulous Marketing Assistant, Jill of All Trades), I am a fan of being on fewer platforms but doing them well. Unless you have a big team and a big budget, it’s hard to keep up with the big gurus. I am a homeschooling mom who uses and loves Pinterest for my personal and business use. If you are new to me, I’m Karrie, a Pinterest Strategist! I urge you to get off the 24/7 social media hamster wheel and learn about the benefits of Pinterest ads! Why? Because 442 million people use this platform actively every month, and you definitely want them to find out about your business.

Pinners search for ideas and inspiration for literally everything. So, you have to be there when they do it! Benefits of Pinterest Ads include increased  efficiency and performance but also traffic, engagement, sales, and brand awareness (if you’re the Targets and Addidas’ of the world with big budgets).


Why choose Pinterest as your advertising platform?

Pinterest is a newer platform in the area of advertising, but it is absolutely worth spending time on. Why? When people are searching for ideas or products on Pinterest, they already want to buy something new. They are searching for a solution to their problem, and you only have to be there to give them what they wish for.

Statistics show that 97% of Pinterest searches are unbranded. This brings you the possibility of presenting your product, info product, or service while users are still undecided and in the process of searching.

It might just be me, BUT Pinterest is literally perfect for every business because it is a newer advertising social media platform, and the competition is not as big as say, Facebook? Did you know that 77% of weekly pinners have discovered a new brand on Pinterest? Therefore, the chances for your business to be seen are very high.

Create a trustworthy relationship with your audience.

First, you have to establish your target audience. For this, you need to know demographic information about them, such as age, gender, occupation, income level, and location. By doing this, you can find out their areas of interest based on their behavior on Pinterest.

Then, ask yourself 2 questions:

  • What do you wish for?
  • And what do they wish for? Or what are they searching for? What problem do they wish to solve?

Do you want your business to have visibility, to create brand recognition by pinning your content? Or boost sales and traffic? Maybe you want new subscribers to your email list or an affiliate income. You have to be honest with yourself, with your business, and with your customers to be successful and effective. You might find these 9 Reasons to Use Promoted Pins helpful in narrowing down your Pinterest promoted pins strategy.

First, you have to create a bond with them, get to know them, and understand their needs. Then, you should deliver a clear message using competent and sincere content and have a professional website. If they see transparency and feel that they can trust your brand, you will create that reliable relationship that will convert traffic into what you actually want.

Holidays boost your traffic and sales.

Holidays make us indeed a bit more emotional and more willing to buy things, because we are not doing this only for ourselves, but for our loved ones too. And luckily, there are plenty of holidays over the year: starting with Christmas, Easter, continuing with Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, or even someone’s graduation, birthday, baby shower, or wedding!

Just the word holiday has the following activity on Pinterest:

3 billion pins saved each year
321 million searches each year.

Holidays can boost your traffic and sales, but you have to do it correctly. That’s only one of the benefits of Pinterest Ads. Pins “live” longer, so promoted pins will just give you the exposure you need for your business.

Remember that content and the correct keywords are extremely important in promoting your business on Pinterest.

Great content brings you sales.

83% of pinners state that they made purchases after the customer saw the content.

What does this tell you? That you have to understand how content on Pinterest works and what it really means.

First, you need to create content that gives information and that inspires. No matter if we talk about articles, infographics, or videos, these need to be easy to follow, creative, useful, and reliable so that the pinners might want to read further and to get to know your brand.

To increase your sales, you need to find the proper keywords that match the context and the product. Let’s take an example: it is Christmas, and your pinner is searching for something to decorate their workplace. How will you zero in on the proper keyword? Let’s have a look at the following: “Christmas ideas for decorating the office.” Simple, frequently used, and straightforward words are the most effective.

Images are also a crucial part of the content because this is what people see first. As a result, your visual content has to be representative and tell the story of your product, brand, service, or any other thing you want your customers to find out about. Pictures must be of high quality! Don’t forget that many pinners use their mobile phones when searching, so you want clear, eye-catching images.

After creating great content and using pretty, bright images, what is left is a link. Adding an URL is essential because this is how pinners can get to your page.

Organization is also key. You already have great content and well-researched keywords linked to an URL, but you need to have a proper structure as well. Group your selected pins into different themed boards, which will generate more visibility, and thus it will drive traffic to your website. Also, make sure your boards and board descriptions have keywords, too since you can search for boards too.
Easy steps for a complex pin campaign

All good so far? You have established your target audience and a trustworthy relationship with them; you know why and when you need to put promoted pin campaigns on Pinterest. Now, let’s see how to properly advertise on Pinterest by putting into practice the following steps:

Setting up a Business account is not an easy task. Sometimes you might need a specialist to do it for you. You have to keep in mind that you have to create a keyword-rich profile, a mix of at least 10-15 boards that are specific to your niche, optimize the board titles with keywords, and set up a Tailwind account.

One of the benefits of Pinterest Ads is the use of the Pinterest Tag that helps you see what pinners do while they search on Pinterest. I suggest users install this right away, even before they start running ads, and begin to gather insights about the conversions. (This is also called a Pinterest Pixel and very similar to a Facebook Pixel.)

Now is the time to choose your campaign type based on your goals and your budget. Ask yourself: WHAT DO YOU WANT?

  • Increased sales?
  • Boost your traffic to your website?
  • Grow your email list?

Where will you place your ad? I usually choose automatic. What is your budget? I suggest a traffic campaign at least $10-$20 per day.

Now you’re ready to launch, and track your promoted pin campaign!

Bring traffic to your website or a sales page and convert it to leads, sales, affiliate income, or new subscribers to your email list! If you don’t have the time to create and implement a Pinterest marketing strategy, save your time with a good Pinterest Strategist (ME!) who knows everything about this rather new advertising social media platform.

My client Esther saw so many benefits of Pinterest ads and had fantastic results! She started working with me after having her Facebook ads account shut down unexpectedly for several months. Because we were able to leverage Pinterest in such a powerful way for her business, I’ve been able to help her make over $270,000 in sales with only $20,000 in ad spend. Plus, she has increased her email list with leads by over 25,000! You can read more details in her case study to learn more and see how we can make promoted pins work for your business.

If you’re interested in seeing the benefits of  Pinterest Ads in your business, I provide done-for-you services to ramp up traffic to your funnels through high-touch ad strategy and implementation. 


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